About Us
Pakistan Education & Research Network is the Research & Education Network of Pakistan which has been the integral part of the Government of Pakistan, IT Action Plan 2002. The National Research & Education Network (NRENs) by design are specialized educational intranet which are dedicated to support the needs of R&E communities within and outside the country. PERN, as any other global National Research & Education Network is a consortium of universities in Pakistan that is rendering different R&E and IT services as opted by the member universities over the PERN Network. PERN has continuously improved over the years in terms of ICT services that are offered through PERN along with equipping the universities / institutions with the latest technological reforms. PERN connects about 330 Universities/ Sub Campuses/ research institutes across the country through 1Gbps last mile connectivity while providing 10Gbps backbone. Recently, PERN has launched its new phase called PERN III through which the last mile of the major universities is upgraded to 10Gbps whereas the backbone will be upgraded to multiples of 10G (x5) by December 2020. Under, PERN-III, the PERN services will be extended to relatively smaller cities to facilitate tertiary education at all levels across the country. PERN is not only providing connectivity and services within the country, but engaging researchers from all over Pakistan to link them with international research and education networks as well as global NREN (National Research & Education Network) consortiums through its connectivity with TEIN (Trans Eurasia Information Network) that further links PERN with other global NRENs including Internet2 (United States computer networking consortium), GEANT (pan-European data network of Europe), CANARIE (Canada), AARNet (Austrailia), CERNET (China) and others.

The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth. The main purpose of this network is to facilitate researchers/students in sharing data and to coordinate with each other through video conferencing. The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth. The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth. The main purpose of this network is to facilitate researchers/students in sharing data and to coordinate with each other through video conferencing. The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth. The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth. The main purpose of this network is to facilitate researchers/students in sharing data and to coordinate with each other through video conferencing. The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connects universities and research institutes through high-speed Internet bandwidth.
PERN Current Status
• 330 Universities\ Colleges connected in 66 Cities
o 228 Main Campuses
o 72 Sub Campuses
o 21 HED Punjab Government Colleges
o 9 HEC Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Colleges
• 50 Gbps International Bandwidth
• 31 New universities/ sub campuses will join PERN by August 2020
• 9 Gbps of Core Intranet Bandwidth Utilization
• International R&E link capacity of 2.5Gbps with TEIN (Trans Eurasia Information Network)
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CompBio Asia Workshop Malaysia 12-25 June (2022)
The University of Montana, in collaboration with the University...
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CompBio Asia Workshop Malaysia 12-25 June (2022)
The University of Montana, in collaboration with the University...
51st Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Meeting
51st Asia Pacific Advanced Network Meeting @ Islamabad, Pakistan Virtual...
[Announcement] 4th Call for Proposals for the Asi@Connect Project
On behalf of the Asi@Connect project, TEIN*CC would like...
2019 ISIF Asia Grants and Awards applications open
2019 ISIF Asia Grants and Awards applications open Applications...
International Industry-Researchers Conference on Cyber Security 2019 Full Paper...
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